So, the blackbody curve is not material-specific, but the actual emission from an object will be.
But its actual emissions have risen by over 30%, making failure inevitable.
Participants then trade goods and services with one another to obtain enough of the currency to cover their actual emissions.
As indicated elsewhere, the initial allocations were roughly 40-60 percent above actual emissions during the first two years (1994-1995).
The total allocation of allowances turned out to exceed actual emissions.
Good to see your admission that there is no realistic way of reducing actual emissions from aviation significantly.
This could not be done before because until 30 June 2006 we had not even received the actual emissions.
So how could we have the review before we received the actual emissions?
It is a fact that we had about 3% more allowances allocated than actual emissions.
Also, the actual emissions that we have now should be taken into full account.