Mujāhid fled at the approach of the Italians, according to the Liber, which does not mention an actual engagement in 1015.
In the same way that Roman tactical maneuver was measured and cautious, so too was their actual engagement of the enemy.
I don't mean the loony ideology, which seems standard issue, but the degree of actual personal engagement.
I mean the actual engagement of Soviet and US forces on Thai soil.
Consequently, Triumph experienced few actual surface-to-air engagements.
A good deal of straightforward social activity is almost always associated with the actual political engagement.
Let him have this story, without, of course, any prejudice to the fact that the actual engagement between us is to be a long one.
"We have no idea what actual military engagements are going to be like."
The actual close engagement lasted 35 minutes before Tribune struck.
On Sam's third leap, he meets Donna years before their actual engagement.