Probably the least accessible features of Perspective are its multiple graphs and the actual entry of data.
The actual entry, though, had been scrubbed and altered, so that I was now, properly, the brother.
If so, it would be the first actual entry of a major foreign department store in the city.
The actual entry into the cave seemed to Ben almost an anticlimax.
The actual short entry reads as follows:
It had taken two days for the giri to See through to the actual entry, two days in her own world.
She didn't need to read the actual entries to know how she had felt when making them; the boxes told.
Yet the actual entry of the USA into the war came as the result of a direct attack on the other side of the world.
The actual entries had to be made at different times, because the cover of darkness varied throughout the world.
The actual entry into the cloud was even more spectacular than the approach.