Carleton's letters are considered, in particular, a major source for information on the patronage networks of the period, in terms of their actual functioning.
Neither of these situations is in itself damaging, except that it may produce a denial of the actual preferred functioning of the child.
Burke was more concerned with the actual functioning of government than with theory or history.
I am not aware of the actual functioning of the system.
Judge Posner is critical of those who would find insights about the actual functioning of the justice system in Kafka.
In either case, the actual functioning of official institutions may differ greatly from their declared purposes.
For them, artificial intelligence is about capturing the actual functioning of the human brain, down to its neurons and learning ability.
The actual functioning of council was started on 7 December 2003 by constituting the 12 members of the Council provisionally.
Studies by economists of various political persuasions on the actual functioning of the Soviet economy indicate that it was not actually a planned economy.
Instead, the last few decades of research in the field have indicated that our expectations have little basis in the actual functioning of the brain.