However, few official publications make use of this provision, since actual instances of ambiguity among names are rare.
We're seeing here an actual instance of alien behavior steeped in ancient customs.
We can, however, instantly recognize the actual instances where rules are broken.
This is also why conceptual artists often get craft workers to create the actual instance of the idea.
Whether this is an actual instance of synesthesia, or simply reflects metaphorical speech, is debated.
I got the impression that all actual instances had been in the fairly remote past.
The detailed application of these categories to actual instances of narrative is, on the whole, tedious and not particularly illuminating.
To date, there have been few actual reported instances of on-line credit card fraud.
The commercials stated that these were recordings of actual instances of customers using the services, and gave the date on which they occurred.
Most also offer the ability to store such disk images even if you delete actual instances, and then restore them later.