It was about Mr. Kane's hero, the actual inventor of the sewing machine, not to mention the fountain pen and the safety pin.
The actual inventor of the prototype was Antoine Louis.
Although this variation bears Botvinnik's name, he was not the first person known to have played it-Klaus Junge is credited as the actual inventor.
Designed in the late 1870's (there is some dispute about the actual inventor), the vibrator was the last in a line of labor-saving devices.
Repplier was not the actual inventor of the meme that the United States had reached the ideal of classless existence.
Pearle Bixby Wait, the actual inventor of Jell-O.
However, it is unlikely he was the actual inventor.
"I suppose the main thing about Field was that he was the actual inventor of the nocturne," Mr. O'Conor said.
Sir Henry, despite being the person who oversaw and set up the photography department, was not the actual inventor.
A patent may be applied for only in the name(s) of the actual inventor(s).