The actual manufacture of the Tuynhuys door as well as the construction of the building is shrouded in the mists of time and history.
Before actual manufacture started however, it was decided to fit the smaller 47 mm SA35 gun and a machine gun.
Of the sixty employees who worked at the plant, nearly forty were engaged in actual manufacture; most of the others belonged in the upstairs offices.
But as for the actual manufacture of the honey, that's the bees' business.
Included in this are expenditures on the building of those facilities that are to be used in the actual manufacture of goods.
The actual manufacture and distribution was done by Athena Neurosciences; their name appeared on a Mysoline package information sheet dated June 1998.
The actual manufacture is quite good, and, given the current Medusan level of technology, it's an ideal weapon for them: simple, sturdy, and within their own manufacturing capabilities, even if only barely.
Details of the actual manufacture of counterfeit notes also began filtering into the State Department, much of the information derived from defector accounts.
It required three more years of designing and testing before actual manufacture was started at a factory over a shop on Water Street in South Norwalk.
That last requirement could best be met by establishing a large enough market to warrant actual manufacture in the Far East.