The district court ruled, however, that there could be no liability in the absence of "actual or constructive notice" on the part of school authorities.
Thus when the bank has actual or constructive notice of the exercise of undue influence it will be restrained from enforcing the charge.
The bank would be liable to having its security set aside if it had either actual or constructive notice of undue influence.
(ii) the party has actual and timely notice of the terms thereof.
Personal service, that is, physically handing something to an individual, is usually considered the least-disputable method of giving actual notice.
They allowed persons to be imprisoned without having actual notice either of the original judgment or of the hearing.
The Constitution does not require "actual notice" like personally handing the letter to the homeowner, the chief justice observed.
The trial court found for defendants, holding that plaintiff failed to prove actual or constructive notice of the patch of ice on the mat.
The date runs from either the date of publication in the Federal Register identifying the work or receipt of actual notice.
Race statutes are extremely rare because it is generally viewed as unfair to protect a party who had actual notice of a prior conveyance.