The work will take into account developments in agricultural markets and policies, and will be tested on a number of actual and potential plantings by farmers.
Ideally, I like to get the soil ready well before the actual planting because it gives me a head start in the spring and gives the materials I mix time to meld through the winter.
As to the actual planting, each gardener develops a particular method.
The planting intentions in soybeans were closer to the actual planting than those in corn for two reasons: Soybean plants are much hardier than corn, and the soybeans may be planted much later.
At Nimla, Nur Jahan is said to have supervised much of the actual planting.
The actual planting of seedlings is a last resort, since it fails in many cases; it should be considered only if natural recruitment of seedlings fails to reach the restoration objective.
Corn Plantings Estimated The department estimated corn plantings at 76.1 million acres, compared with an average trade estimate of 77.1 million and last year's actual plantings of 74.2 million.
The number was near the low end of market expectations and compared with last year's actual plantings of 12.4 million acres.
The most exciting part, of course, is the actual planting.
How can anyone, other than by actual planting and nourishing over a considerable period of time, tell a plant where to grow?