The survey was then weighted so that total results would reflect the actual proportion of whites and blacks in the city's population.
Because cowboys ranked low in the social structure of the period, there are no firm figures on the actual proportion of various races.
I noticed the accumulation of dirt on the house fronts, the actual proportions of industrial buildings.
Despite the scale of the riots, the actual proportion of the population involved was tiny.
Due to incomplete knowledge of the systems, the actual proportions are likely to be higher.
Representation of overweight individuals in prime time programming is not representative of the actual proportion in the population.
Anywhere from 3 to 5 different chemicals are typically used in a blend, with the actual proportions and chemicals closely guarded as trade secrets.
Because only undocumented immigrants from the first shift were arrested, the actual proportion of undocumented workers may have been substantially higher.
The actual proportion will depend upon many factors, but whatever the fraction the basic model assumes that import spending is directly related to income.
"It was impossible, from the archaeological evidence alone, to see the actual proportion of meat in their diets," Dr. Smith said.