She may not have been the actual prototype of Truman Capote's "Breakfast at Tiffany's" heroine, Holly Golightly, as some said.
Despite the Facel-Vega Excellence-come-Packard in fact did make it to the to the planning stage, contrary to popular belief, not a single actual prototype was built.
The first actual prototype (for Nautilus) was constructed and tested by Argonne at the S1W facility in Idaho.
A mock-up, somewhat different in design from the actual prototypes, was demonstrated at the Transpo '72 show.
He didn't have an actual prototype, and he didn't get too far with it.
The P38 concept was accepted by the German military in 1938 but production of actual prototype ("Test") pistols did not begin until late 1939.
Franquin based it on actual prototypes depicted in scientific revues.
Three units will be using traditional lab sims, which we can manage aboard this ship, and using sims in the actual prototype, daily, shift after shift.
Hypersonic was S&S Worldwide's actual prototype for an air-launched coaster, called Thrust Air 2000.
(Be it the perfectly quantities computer model, or an actual physical prototype.)