The fiscal year ends and later we get the actual revenue from April 15 income tax collections.
Now, they are expected to rise 28 percent, to $4.04 billion in 1997 from actual 1993 revenues of $3.158 billion.
So Priceline's actual revenue for the quarter was, oh, $18 million.
But the actual revenue Facebook generates is not in line with its profile.
He called for revenue projections to be based on actual revenues, not what was anticipated as the Legislature had often done in the past.
But when projections were far too optimistic, the actual revenues were much lower than anticipated.
Their actual revenues turned out to be $2.72 billion, a difference of $350 million.
All his actual revenue was swallowed up by his debts and habits of living.
In today's no-commission world, there is no relationship between billings and actual revenues.
Dow Jones does not break out the site's actual revenue, instead including it with licensing and business development under consumer electronic publishing.