The actual shooters got away, while Oswald was framed.
This became known as the "running man theory", based on the possibility that a "running man" may have been the actual shooter.
By the Regulators end, any killings committed by them had his name attached, whether he was the actual shooter or not.
His testimony contributed to the development of a "running man theory", based on the possibility that a "running man" may have been the actual shooter.
However, in February 1996 he was acquitted when Amy came forward as the actual shooter after Matt tried to rape her.
Pierce's brother in law was alleged to have been the actual shooter, however no arrests were ever made.
On this theory, the actual shooter was a college friend of the then-cop.
We reckon he was there to kill the actual shooter.
It was revealed that Will was the actual shooter and Lucas went to prison to protect his son.
"It raises real questions about the identification of the actual shooters."