Then comes the actual sighting of the lumbering, boxy white truck.
But the consensus that was formerly based on actual sightings and verbal reports is now determined by photography and television.
This may have been the first actual sighting of the mainland, although there have been conflicting claims.
But now they were close, anticipating an actual sighting of their prey within the next twenty-four hours.
For a whole generation of Americans, it was the first actual sighting of the much-talked-about Russian war machine.
The first actual sighting was made at 0830 AT.
It could, however, have been an actual sighting of an infrared missile whose radar signature would be nearly invisible given its small size and high speed.
The reports of the actual sightings of the animal had come in immediately.
Then again, there are no reports of actual sightings of beavers, which tend to work at night and avoid people.
That's when I realized that sightings, actual sightings, of the burial event might be part of the written record.