Short rations, a limited choice, but not actual starvation.
Failing marriage, they not only suffered a cruel ignominy, but in many cases faced the menace of actual starvation.
There they raised chickens and planted vegetables in order to stave off actual starvation.
Those in danger of actual starvation are the ones still inside Afghanistan, too poor to flee.
It is conservatively estimated that not less than 120,000 persons have died of actual starvation during the last two years in the Lebanon alone.
Food in Paris was very scarce and very dear and there were many cases of actual starvation.
Somehow, the cells can distinguish between temporary hunger when food is scarce and actual starvation.
The year 1863 was marked by actual starvation; the Indians would remember it as "the year of hunger."
He would not risk his life and Delia's for food until actual starvation threatened.
I told her that Karen Carpenter died of a heart attack, not actual starvation.