Roberts' decision to cover the novel's material in two distinct halves followed the actual trajectory of Rogers' life.
In flight, the actual trajectory is modeled mathematically as a Taylor series expansion around the reference trajectory.
During flight, the rider has little impact on the actual trajectory of the horse's body.
Erika started the navigation program calculating the small course adjustments they'd need to intersect Refuge based on their actual trajectory after slinging away from Daedalus.
However, if there is a west wind in the air in which the aircraft is flying, then the actual trajectory of the aircraft will be slightly to the east of north.
As a consequence, specifying why particular paths were not taken is as important as specifying the actual trajectory of history.
To the degree that the standard assumptions of astrodynamics do not hold, actual trajectories will vary from those calculated.
We'll continue to prod the computer here, refining the landing vectors as we get a clearer notion of the actual trajectory of the ship before it exploded.
The actual trajectory was close to the one predicted, and the spacecraft was separated 806 seconds after lift-off.
Therefore, in order for a shooter to aim at a distant target and then hit it, the actual trajectory, or path that the bullet follows is a curve, not a straight line.