Also in 2008, Mulgrew filmed the 30-minute courtroom drama The Response which is based on actual transcripts of the Guantanamo Bay tribunals.
But now we've got the actual word-for-word transcript of the event.
Izvestia's reporters failed to check the actual transcript of the hearing, which was available on the Internet and through the United States Information Service in Moscow.
These documents contain only logs of phone calls being placed, but not actual transcripts, suggesting the wiretapping program is merely a pen-register tap.
Sinise, speaking from the actual transcript, promises, "Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever."
She hoped it satisfied whoever was doing the surveillance but she thought the actual transcript would prove deadly.
By good luck, the actual transcripts of the great army debates that took place in an old church in the Thameside town of Putney still survive.
Throughout the novel there are boldface excerpts from the actual transcript of the Mercury flight, which Mr. Mallon cleverly dovetails into the story.
The pages passed into actual transcript, uncondensed, disjointed ramblings.