These fees would have to be disclosed upfront with the cost of actual travel to avoid consumers being misled when they come to pay for a fare.
For almost all actual travel, the qualifying age is higher and the rules a little tougher.
Many SETI researchers had suggested that actual, physical travel between stars would always be impractical.
That translated to maybe two hundred miles of actual travel at best, and that was not an impressive number at all.
This ploy allows the traveler to book two round-trip tickets with Saturday stays even though the actual travel is all midweek.
Although he claimed to have learned much about plants from travelling to other parts of the world, his actual travels appear to have been limited.
However, the most useful information on actual travel is coming from the travelers so thank you.
She says she finds the actual travel less daunting than her return home to her husband and 4-year-old daughter.
In the British Air promotion, tickets had to be purchased by last Sunday, though there was no time restriction on the actual travel.
Of course he refers to actual travel.