During my long walk, I was hoping to spot the actual tree.
They are real enough to resemble actual trees but not so real that they form a continuum with the surrounding foliage.
The actual tree survived until the 20th century, when it was destroyed by a fire.
However, it is unlikely that this is the actual tree from which Heavitree gets its name.
The actual tree used for the executions is now just a stump on the courthouse lawn, the tree having been removed in 2011.
Or they may suggest reflections, lakeside mirrorings of actual trees that have been cropped out of the picture.
The Ents resemble actual trees, except they are able to see, talk, and move.
But they soon began so look at actual trees.
Though the actual trees stood back against the sky their reflections had to be made to advance so that their topmost branches felt close.
Some believe that hamadryads are the actual tree, while normal dryads are simply the entities, or spirits, of the trees.