And yet, had not the physicist dimly foreseen the possibility of such an actual velocity - or had he?
The projected rotational velocity is 245, giving a lower limit on the star's actual equatorial azimuthal velocity.
Their actual velocity depends on the amount of current, but it's typically about 2 cm/second.
That is, if i is not a right angle, then the actual velocity is greater than .
What, then, is the actual velocity of the object relative to the medium?
Achieving warp factor 1 is equivalent to breaking the light barrier, while the actual velocity corresponding to higher factors is determined using an ambiguous formula.
As a result, he cannot accomplish feats - such as running on water - which require actual velocity.
Since drag will be strong already at this speed, this must be an upper estimate and we expect the actual velocity to be lower.
Then one would find the actual velocity fluctuating about a mean value:
Assuming that for the particle's actual velocity, we have that .