Although the compensation previously has been described as amounting to about $300,000, it actually amounted to nearly $500,000.
Nevertheless, it actually amounts to less than one new officer for every precinct in the nation, and the financing would be only temporary.
I think it will take 20 to 30 years before you can really assess what this find actually amounts to.
But most drug experts say that formula actually amounts to a two-way split - with education and treatment getting the short end.
What it all actually amounts to is individual isolation.
Instead, those ads show people musing about being the owners of big companies like Nike, then showing what their stake actually amounts to.
Or, getting personal, to prove to someone that being a mere investigator actually amounted to something, perhaps even a hero, as Levin suggested?
The entire cost of the water works project actually amounted to $4,321,000.
That is what European added value actually amounts to.
Therefore, it should not seem strange that the report actually amounts to a set of recommendations for the Commission and the Council.