It's actually cheaper, and much more interesting, to take a day trip to Tangier and buy such goods there.
"We can get a flight back to Orly from there that's actually cheaper than the one you booked."
In some cases, the new cars are actually cheaper.
Universal benefits aren't means tested because it's actually cheaper to administer that way.
After accounting for inflation, oil at $25 a barrel is actually cheaper than oil was in 1978, before prices soared.
Love means never having to tell the American people that, adjusted for inflation, gas is actually cheaper today than it was in 1960.
It was found that it was actually cheaper to buy the coaches instead of hiring them.
You might learn that it's actually cheaper to run some devices at night when electricity rates are often lower.
It is actually cheaper to design the services for what the properties need.
"I was delighted to find a place that was actually cheaper," he said.