"During that same period, Philadelphia's shelter population actually climbed 35 percent."
But first they have to actually climb into the playoffs.
The mortars should be kept out of sight and not used unless the Shoba's men are actually climbing over the city's wall.
While the number of manufacturing jobs actually climbed slightly last year, labor leaders said, unionized factories continued to be hit hard.
That he might actually climb on a horse and use it as a means of transportation was absolutely out of the question.
"You mean the thing from India where the boy actually climbs a rope and disappears?"
Of course I could always become a bird and simply fly up to the top-most branches, but there's a certain satisfaction in actually climbing.
They looked as though persons might actually climb up and down on them.
The Shadow was actually climbing within the grotto's pointed dome.
He would have to actually climb down into the reactor well itself.