Season Two would center on Gangreen actually conquering the world in the debut episode.
Could Margot someday actually conquer her deadly addiction?
The Viking impact on the north was greater than in the south, and in the north, the Vikings actually conquered and made permanent territorial gains.
Well, no one actually conquers baseball, but the Boss has left his mark.
I noticed that quite a few of them had become fanatical on the sedge issue without actually conquering their infestation, which struck me as a bad sign.
This time the Muslim Ayyubids not only repelled the invasion, but actually conquered some parts of northern Nubia in retaliation.
We do not know where the Muslim force landed, what resistance they met, and what parts of Spain they actually conquered.
In September 1891, Weyler finally terminated his campaign without, actually conquering the Maranaos.
Roman Influence The Romans occupied this region in the first century a.d. , but there is very little evidence to show that they actually conquered it.
He was essential in two of the three leagues he actually conquered, playing in 67 games combined and scoring seven goals.