Although his older sister usually cooks dinner for him, he can actually cook better than her.
A young person who already enjoyed cooking and was looking for appealing, easy dishes might actually cook from this book.
And frequently, on weekends, particularly if they were having friends over, Susan would actually cook, and was very good at it.
But in neither case is there much risk that you will get off the couch and actually cook a meal.
They are artifacts of an earlier age when people actually cooked.
You actually cook your box if you've got too much in there.
Asking big questions, talking about fashionable ingredients is easy, it's the answers that are hard, actually cooking the soup.
Even Len got into the spirit of things by hiring an assistant chef who could actually cook.
Can you achieve a trendy cooking space and still be able to actually cook?
I have most of her books and like to read them, but rarely actually cook from them.