You may prefer to reimburse only expenses actually incurred and many volunteers prefer this.
Columbia involved expenses that were actually incurred but improperly identified.
As for corporate users, I agree that those corporations actually incurred unexpected costs due to the outage however to what extent?
As far as we are concerned, reimbursing travel costs on the basis of the costs actually incurred is even more important.
In the Council's opinion, this reimbursement must be carried out on the basis of costs actually incurred.
Examples include the reimbursement of only those travel expenses actually incurred and the Statute for Assistants.
It would appear that since then, you have carried out studies to find out what damages were actually incurred.
The current legislation allows lobbyists to report much less than is actually incurred.
I support measures to ensure greater control over Members' allowances for the purpose of only reimbursing costs actually incurred.
As parliamentarians, we should be reimbursed the travel costs actually incurred.