She does not actually permit a physical examination, but merely asks questions about her bodily functions as she examines herself behind a thick curtain.
"And it sends a powerful message to local governments that voters expect action at the local level to actually permit the construction of affordable housing."
-that may actually permit me to see a bit more clearly than you do.
He thought for a moment that Mystra's curse might actually permit the threat to stand, but soon heard more words tumbling from his mouth.
Google's service, scheduled to be introduced today, does not actually permit people to watch the video on their computers.
She [Cornell] actually permits a man to crack her a powerful wallop in the face!
It actually permitted him to create new money, based not on gold, nor on his own credit, but on the credit of his customers.
"This would be a new way in the organization of the corporation to actually permit shareholders to directly inform themselves on matters fundamental to the corporation."
Kirk actually permitted a small smile.