Most restaurants in the area actually posted signs reading: Rest- rooms are for customers only!
At one time Yahoo actually posted this in the story's header.
Is it a trick, or was the letter actually posted a decade in the future?
The company actually posted a $6.2 million loss that year because it spent about $6 million to close some of its plants.
Medical costs, which account for 7 percent of the Consumer Price Index, actually posted their biggest increases in the 1970's and early 1980's.
I'm actually posting this from a cafe on 70th and Broadway.
But here I am now, actually posting something for a change, so it's time to dive in.
Even so, only a third actually posted a photo.
I come back here after months and months and I'm all excited cause people are actually posting.
I actually posted a 'thank you' three days ago, but I see it has failed to appear.