It was he who is said to have actually stolen the things.
It's impossible to know how many were actually stolen, or used.
It turned out later that only one horse had been actually stolen.
As it would turn out, he actually stole these many items for his own personal gain.
The police were searching for four other men, including a 25-year-old believed to be the man who actually stole the cars from the street.
Even today, there is disagreement over who actually stole the software.
Since the ships belonged to her own family, she wasn't actually stealing.
But writing is a legal way of avoiding work without actually stealing and one that doesn't take any talent or training.
Not so steal actually as to just move things from the place you put to the place where you'll never find them.
Not that Ranger or any of his men would actually steal a car, but maybe they wouldn't ask too many questions upon delivery.