However, it was considered unlikely that the USA would actually withdraw, since the Soviet Union was expected to join soon.
Whatever Asimov's opinion of the novel, he never actually withdrew it from publication.
But no one knows when - if ever - Israel may actually withdraw its 7,500 settlers and the troops who protect them, and what effect that might have.
But he says the hospitals actually withdrew treatment in only 27 of the cases, while 22 patients died receiving treatment as they awaited transfers.
There was talk that the Russians might actually withdraw.
She actually withdrew before she told me, so I have nothing to say.
The airline actually withdrew special security precautions shortly before the DC10 went down.
Dalen actually withdraws his proposal to Christine in order to avoid causing a rift in her family.
They are actually withdrawing at the moment.
But the Government that actually withdrew them would be vulnerable to charges that it gave in to the terrorism of the Irish Republican Army.