Travis County provided copies of the two actuarial studies.
RIRSA included provisions that required municipalities with locally administered pension plans to submit actuarial studies to a newly-created study commission by April 1, 2012.
This actuarial study matched 170,000 policy records with credit report information to show the correlation between historical loss ratios and various credit report elements.
Last year, the Caisse conducted an actuarial study for Saudi Arabia's pension fund and set up a venture capital fund with local partners in Morocco.
"Equitas has gone through several actuarial studies, and we have a fair amount of confidence in it," he said.
About 40 percent of all disability awards come on appeal, actuarial studies have found.
"To qualify for this you are supposed to be a real insurance company with actuarial studies and a reasonable relationship between income and reserves to pay claims," he said.
Vos permanently deferred his actuarial studies at Macquarie University, to play poker full-time.
That memo, written to Ms. Gillespie, drew a response from the insurance commissioner to obtain a new actuarial study on TMIC's prospects.
This information is essential for managing individual claims, identifying trends, marketing an insurance program, loss forecasting, actuarial studies and internal loss data communication within a client organization.