Through the first 11 months of the year, direct-to-consumer ad expenditures totaled $2.33 billion, up from $2.32 billion during the period in 2001.
To be sure, the bickering undercuts the two companies' substantial ad expenditures.
According to CMR, United's largest ad expenditures in the first six months of the last five years came in 2000, when it spent $42 million.
In addition, media analysts said business advertisers were trimming ad expenditures and spending more on promotional campaigns instead.
Growth in ad expenditures has been slowing in the United States.
The bureau attributed part of this growth to ad expenditures during broadcasts of the Summer Olympics.
But how does he account for the continued increases of ad expenditures over the past 20 years?
They concluded that "the one-sided nature of the ad expenditures had important consequences for the health care debate."
The October stock market crash did not seem to result in a lessening of ad expenditures in the fourth quarter.
American Pop Corn's ad expenditures have increased 51.7 percent, to $450,000.