Then there is the spectacle of the ad industry taking a week to advertise itself, which some critics questioned last year.
The producers' reaction demonstrates the sensitivity throughout the ad industry about costs.
The personal ad industry, he said, has grown into a $500-million-a-year industry, although online services are beginning to eat away at that market.
In one year, the ad industry went from a near crisis to another "best year yet."
Advertising executives were generally neutral about the effect of the merger on the ad industry.
What responsibility does the ad industry have in the case of misleading assertions about products?
Books can be potent marketing tools for the ad industry.
Others in the ad industry called the campaign stealthy and said the models should have acknowledged they were being paid.
I may be weird, but I don't much care what the ad industry has to say.
"Depending whom you talk to, that's potentially the fastest point of growth for the ad industry."