In the same week, an anonymous personal advertisement in the classified ad section of a campus newspaper, The Livingston Medium, spoke rudely about blacks.
It has an extensive classified ad section.
Game Ads: The ad section presents magazine cover scans and a look at the promotional ads featured in various magazines across the years for multiple game systems.
Their first product was an adult video game of Tetris, which they then offered on floppy disks in the ad section of Computer Magazine.
They usually include comprehensive classified and personal ad sections and event listings as well.
The removable ad section is being viewed favorably by some advertisers.
Mason pulled out the Times classified ad section of the same date, ran hurriedly down the "Personals" and then gave a low whistle and said, "Look at this, Della."
Glance at your own classified ad section.
He slammed the folded want ad section down on Homer's desk.
Marsh was responsible for starting the first "alternative" personal ad section at the LA Weekly.