In the next day or two, there'll be a chance to do something about it -if Senate Republicans will finally abandon their adamant opposition.
The effort received "adamant opposition" from governors of petroleum (oil) producing states.
They were undone, however, by the adamant opposition of the other parties to the coalition's Hindu chauvinist platform.
He also wanted to moderate the party's adamant opposition to the security treaty with the United States.
The scaling down of proposed reductions in the deficit is a result of the President's adamant opposition to tax increases.
The protesters had come to express their adamant opposition to a mammoth shopping center proposed for the community.
But hundreds of organized critics have packed recent hearings to voice adamant opposition.
He will hardly let his 17-member panel do anything that could embarrass the president or change his adamant opposition.
There is an adamant opposition in exile.
Over a period of months he has dislodged Mr. Reagan from his adamant opposition to tax increases.