Butler's adamant stand against returning "black contrabands" to their rightful owners thrust the slave issue to the forefront again.
This attitude was surprising because the substitution of one addiction by another contradicted the previously adamant stand by Nixon's adherents against any drug use.
Complicating the matter is Mr. Reagan's adamant stand against new taxes, except for the subterfuges he has himself proposed.
Brazil is coming under increasing pressure from its commercial bankers and American and other officials to take a less adamant stand in crucial debt talks.
It would certainly explain a lot, if true: her hypersensitivity about Brion's powers, her adamant stand against you, outwardly based on religious fervor.... Do you suppose she realizes?
We decided it was not for us, a small nation, to take an adamant stand.
It was the Saudis' adamant stand against cutbacks that blocked OPEC from reaching an agreement.
His adamant stand on the territory became an obstacle to extending the 1979 peace treaty.
Market participants seemed to interpret the comments as a softening of President Bush's adamant stand against tax increases.
Only Brun's adamant stand in the face of increasing opposition kept the issue undecided, and he wasn't at all sure he would win out in the end.