However, this event was a few decades earlier but it seems that Christopher still believes adamantly that they are still there.
'Docklands is the Future' she once said to an Evening Standard reporter, visualising the opportunity she adamantly believed in.
The Nets' new chief executive, Lou Lamoriello, who has also run the Devils for years, believes adamantly in not promoting individual stars.
Patrick Hemingway believed adamantly the manuscript was more than a journal.
Lucas returns to the plantation, and cons a salesman out of a metal detector to search for the treasure he adamantly believes exists.
"I adamantly believe that there are benefits from international diversification that have not been fully appreciated," Mr. Cavaglia said.
THEY adamantly believed that the blind could lead the blind - who better?
My patient adamantly believed that anyone who didn't load the dishwasher the correct way was ill informed or, more likely, an idiot.
Finally, people often adamantly believe rumors and urban legends they hear, in spite of evidence that they are not true.
He adamantly believes that, "Salonnières generally exercised no political power outside their role in the formation of public opinion, and salons were not centers of political intrigue.