An Indian adaptation of the show, known as The Player, aired on December 12, 2009 on Channel V.
This adaptation also aired at Telemundo in the United States.
The adaptation, also called The Gingerbread Man, aired on ITV in 1992.
In 1956, another American adaptation aired as part of NBC's Hallmark Hall of Fame series.
Written by Ron Hartmann, the hour-long adaptation aired on CBC Stereo March 27, 1982.
Another adaptation aired on the CBS Radio Workshop on July 21, 1957.
The adaptation aired on Japan's NHK BS2 satellite channel in early 2000.
The adaptation of Bledsoe's book, Honor Thy Mother, aired in April 1992.
The 2001 adaptation aired on the American network PBS as well.
On March 20, 1987 a second adaptation of the story under its original title for Amazing Stories aired.