Non-maximizing adaptation strategies occur in all societies, not just in "primitive" ones.
Geoengineering as a climate change solution differs from other mitigation and adaptation strategies.
Build on the White Paper on adaptation to climate change and to help develop adaptation strategies across all policy areas.
These karyotypic alterations lead to changes in the phenotype, which is an adaptation strategy of this fungus.
Supporting farmer communities to assess the wider issues of climate change enabled them to identify viable adaptation strategies.
Estimates do not account for adaptation strategies [or] different levels of vulnerability' (Gemenne 2009: 159).
Moreover, it is vital that the Member States, regions, local authorities and businesses, but also individual citizens, take responsibility for adaptation strategies.
At the same time, the need to respect the sovereignty of developing countries in defining and implementing the so-called adaptation strategies is rejected.
Thus, the strengthened hormonal system is an adaptation strategy of this bird.
His current research focuses on the use of science in ecosystem-based management and on assessments and adaptation strategies related to climate change.