The tower, possibly an unbuilt element of Upjohn's original design, was added in 1905, after his death.
Many of those words were added after his death.
Ironically, these famous words were added to the base only in 1903, more than 15 years after the poet's death.
A second volume was added in 1784, after his death, compiled from his papers.
Much of today's building was added after Smedley's death in 1874.
The name of Juan Álvarez, the founder, was added to the library's in 1956, two years after his death.
An award named for him was added a year after his death in 1990.
The subtitle has been added after the author's death).
He died in 1859, whereupon the company was taken over by his son, Aaron, who added many styles and improvements after his father's death.
This reference was presumably added after Marlowe's death in 1593.