Can you add appreciably to the public welfare, given your skill, sense and experience?
All of these will require large sums, which must be produced without adding appreciably to the deficit.
While, in general, neither appreciably adds to or subtracts from the total minutes spent in one class over the span of a year, the concentration of those minutes is greater.
Officials said the video did not add appreciably to the investigation.
"Even expectations not validated by economic fundamentals can themselves add appreciably to wage and price pressures" and risk derailing growth by encouraging higher interest rates.
The pickers, who are paid a piece rate, do not get a raise, but they hope profit sharing will add appreciably to their average of $9 an hour.
"I don't think it will appreciably add to the numbers riding the trains," said Richard Noyes, an executive with Cisco Systems.
By contrast, ionizing radiation is conventionally considered to have no completely safe lower limit, although at some energy levels, new exposures do not add appreciably to background radiation.
The fires are so extensive that they add appreciably to the global pollution that now may be warming the earth's climate.
You might say that a cake and a book added appreciably to his possessions.