If my story is true," she added archly, "I could be carrying your grandson.
She added archly, 'He should do more drilling at home.'
Seeing the flare of challenge in his eyes, she added archly, "And anyway, I'm leaving.
I see the surprise is mutual, ' she added archly, as if he were still only a helpless boy in front of her.
Speaking of which," he added archly, "how did you get in here, and oh, by the way, do you know what time it is?
I am still on the point of swooning, you know," she added archly.
The cardinal paused, then added archly: "This is a new phenomenon.
Some of them," he added archly, "could stand to skip a few meals.
He added archly: "And that would cover the water.
Then he added archly, "What were you doing, kicking the tutor?"