Donning was repairing his fortifications, and they were busy modifying their mining machines to add armor and weapons.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, a number of military armored vehicles were manufactured by adding armor and weapons to existing vehicles.
Turret basket has additional slat armor, which adds additional armor to the exterior of the tank.
Further work in Israel has been done on the upgraded Magach models, adding new armor, new fire control system, a thermal sleeve and smoke dischargers.
The military is looking for ways to add armor to the MRAPs and is testing another new vehicle to counter that threat.
Some soldiers added armor by using modifications known as hillbilly armor.
The second upgrade, designated the Saddam II, added rubber sideskirts, additional armor on the upper hull sides and an ATU box.
As a conversion from an ocean liner, it was not possible to add much armor, although the ship had a double hull.
Players can construct their own ships with a base chassis, adding their own reactors, weapons, armor, shields, aesthetics and more, all of which visually change the starship's appearance.
To protect the crew, the production line added frontal armor and extended armor to the rear to protect the navigator.