It is notable that the song title does not have an umlaut in it, that was added to the band name at a later stage.
It is probable that James Wallis built the centre part of the house, with the pillared portico and bowed wings being added at a later stage.
It was not included in the initial plans of the network and was added at a later stage due to increasing demand.
Cells can also be added at a later stage to specific organs; people who carry pig heart valves are, at least technically, chimeric.
The entrance vestibule was added at a later stage.
It was added at a later stage, for some unclarified reason.
The advantage of an IP bases system is the flexibility to add devices at a later stage.
"A third biometric identifier - iris scans - could be added at a later stage".
However, it is well worth using in dishes which require the wine to be added at a later stage to give flavouring.
Some scholars argue that the prologue was taken over from an existing hymn and added at a later stage in the gospel's composition.