He glanced at Oliver and added brusquely.
When he didn't respond immediately she added brusquely, "Go on with you, you'll give me a crick in my neck."
She's - she's a very jealous woman - always has been.33 He added brusquely, "That's all there is to it.
I hope you two click," he added brusquely.
"Yes, what Shannon said," Roykirk added somewhat brusquely.
He must have sensed her regard because he then added somewhat brusquely, "Nevertheless, we don't go around killing ourselves."
And he added brusquely, 'Now you get some sleep.
He added brusquely, "You've had experience of elderly ladies.
"Don't call him Masema, not even here," he added brusquely.
"Tell Mrs. Booth to let her sleep in in the morning," he added brusquely.