He has been folding and draping fabric for several seasons, but he has now come up with even newer ways to add fullness without bulk.
"It's the five-second step you can't skip," because it adds instant fullness and keeps lipstick in place.
If your face is angular the program advises necklaces and scarfs to add fullness, and earrings to fill in the jaw line.
He updated the peasant blouse in black leather and softened the sleeves on other pieces by adding fullness below the elbows.
This adds fullness to the finished garment and reduce wrinkling.
Eyelash extensions are any number of enhancements designed to add length, thickness and fullness to natural eyelashes.
He added fullness to the cheeks, smoothed over wrinkles, tucked away excess skin.
This includes adding fullness to a dress.
Some fillers are also used to add fullness to the lips.
As well, tube amplifiers produce a natural distortion when played at higher volumes, which adds body and fullness to the sound.