The Nowata experience could add grist to the debate over Wal-Mart's current advance into the Northeast.
Here he was, adding grist to the rumor mill.
He suggested that the tale might have been concocted to add grist to a local dispute.
"A life on the go adds grist to our impression mill," says Oleg Presnyakov.
Rather, one needs to "add grist" to get the appropriate behavior:
Advocates on both sides of the ideological divide said the surveys would add grist to coming political debates.
STATE park rangers here are adding grist to the mill.
"I'm just not ready to add grist to Vanguard's rumor mill," he said.
Unfortunately we, the European Union, have added grist to the mill of mutual destruction with our mistakes.
Analysts said investors had considered the initial bid too low, adding grist to problems with protectionist sentiments.