The average home now charges $127 a day, though special services can add hundreds more.
Instead, government adds hundreds of new people a week to its payroll and then finds things for them to do.
The dressing on the salad can add hundreds of calories.
I thought Microsoft would have moved quickly to add hundreds of new features, but not so.
Now, with Air 21, the federal government is allowing airlines to add hundreds of flights.
The town will also add hundreds of new residents in the coming years when a 755-unit complex for the elderly is completed.
Boston Scientific also plans to add hundreds of research jobs over the next few years, many paying $80,000 a year and up.
He had added hundreds to the list of nebulae discovered by his father.
He said the county had added hundreds of jobs, built new homes and held down taxes.
This could potentially add hundreds of dollars to an already expensive procedure.