Though not as complex as that of most Slavic languages, examples of up to 7 consecutive consonants can occur when adding Swedish inflections to some foreign loanwords or names, and especially when combined with the tendency of Swedish to make long compound nouns.
While these items help illuminate Eakins's life, they primarily add inflections to information already available.
Perhaps they add material and inflections of their own choosing.
The writers often stopped the cameras and added new inflections to the dialog.
In the next piece, a sonata by Joseph Horovitz, he added glissandos and jazzy inflections.
Once a rough translation is complete, he takes the printed word, reads it aloud and adds correct inflections.
Most of the Western musicians who try East-West musical fusions add some exotic scales and inflections to Western structures.
Still others added Japanese inflections to create more varied and audience-friendly versions of older Chinese styles.
De Camp breathed life into the trial transcript by adding vocal inflections, facial expressions, gestures and movement, as well as various crowd comments and reactions not found in the trial transcript.