As shared resources are required more often this leads to resource contention which can add latency particularly for systems that forward datagrams.
This is a true mesh link where you can achieve maximum performance without bandwidth degradation in the mesh and without adding latency.
And all of this is accomplished in real time, without adding ugly latency anywhere in the process chain.
The additional inspection criteria can add extra latency to the forwarding of packets to their destination.
This, however, increases the required trigger current or adds latency due to capacitor charging.
We can wait - which we'll do if we have to, but it adds latency to the message - or we can find an alternate path.
In the latter design, engaging additional functions adds latency.
A machine with a longer floating-point add latency or with multiple adders would require more accumulators to run in parallel.
This time you're forced to aim down the sight before shooting, thus adding latency to counter-balance the weapon's horrendous damage potential.
Digital conversion and processing adds latency, or delay, into the signal.